Kangana Ranaut's Twitter account has been suspended after she posted texts against the regulations of the micro-blogging site. In a series of tweets, the actress had made objectionable comments on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The actress was criticising Mamata Banerjee for the violence that took place in the state following the announcement of Assembly Elections results on Sunday (May 2).
Kangana demanded president rule in West Bengal after Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) won the recent assembly elections in the state. She also compared the politician to an unleashed monster. She also said that no violence was reported from Assam and Puducherry where BJP won, but ‘hundreds of murders and #Bengalisburning’ after TMC won in Bengal.
The actress also commented on Indira Gandhi in one of her tweets.
Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) won 213 seats in the just concluded West Bengal Assembly Elections. The BJP garnered 77 seats in the 294-seat state assembly.
source: indiatoday