The ruling BJP may issue the list of candidates for the first and second phase of UP Panchayat Polls after a key meeting on Thursday at state party headquarters in Lucknow. The list of candidates is expected to be released after the crucial meet. All the regional presidents of BJP will be present in the meeting along with the list of candidates of their constituency.
The meeting will be attended by state BJP president Swatantra Dev Singh, state general minister’s organization Sunil Bansal, state in-charge of Panchayat elections Vijay Bahadur Pathak as well as state officials and regional presidents.
The Regional President will submit the list of candidates for the seats of the seats of the District Panchayat members of the first and second phase of the region. After discussing the names of the candidates, the State Committee will approve this list. If there is a disagreement on a seat, it will be resolved in the meeting as well.
The regional presidents of the party were busy finalizing the list of candidates for this meeting to be held at the state headquarters on Tuesday.
“The schedule has been announced by the Commission in a phased manner. The work of selection of candidates is going on. The party is going to contest the panchayat elections strongly,” State in-charge of BJP Panchayat elections Vijay Bahadur Pathak said.
It is worth noting that the nomination process for the first phase of seats is from April 3 and voting is on April 15, while the nomination process for the second phase is from April 7 and the voting is on April 19.
The UP gram panchayat elections 2021 will be a key test of the Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government’s popularity, and an opportunity for opposition parties to gauge the public mood, particularly as they come against the backdrop of persisting farmers’ protests in the country that have also gripped parts of UP.