Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal will on Monday meet at 11 am to discuss Covid-19 situation in the national capital. According to sources, the Delhi government is mulling to extend the weekend lockdown to weekdays as the national capital has witnessed a steep rise in the number of fresh Covid-19 cases.
The sources further said that more restrictions could be announced after the crucial meeting tomorrow between Kejriwal and Baijal.
Delhi on Sunday recorded the biggest jump in its daily Covid-19 tally with 25,462 fresh cases, and 161 people died due to the disease in the last 24 hours, while the positivity rate also shot up to 29.74 per cent. Around 20,159 people have recovered from the infection. There are a total of 74,941 active cases in the national capital and the death toll jumped to 12,121.
Kejriwal had last week announced a weekend curfew to curb a worrying surge in Covid-19 cases in Delhi. Kejriwal said in a video address, “The weekend curfew will break the Covid-19 chain in Delhi. These curbs are for your safety. We will beat this fourth Covid-19 wave with your help.”
The curfew began at 10pm on Friday and will continue till 6am on Monday, while essential services were exempted from the curbs. According to the new directives, shopping malls, gyms, spas, auditoriums, assembly halls, entertainment parks and similar public places were shut. While cinemas and theatres were allowed to operate on 30 per cent capacity, restaurants and other eateries will only provide take-away and home delivery services.
Kejriwal had said that the pandemic situation in the city has become “very serious and worrisome”, with oxygen stock, and Remdesivir and Tocilizumab drugs for patients in short supply. He said the number of beds are also running out fast and the Delhi government is trying to escalate beds on a large scale in the coming days.
“The cases of Covid-19 are rising fast in Delhi. In the last 24 hours, around 24,000 fresh cases have been reported. Within a day, the number has gone up from around 19,500 to around 24,000. So, the situation is very serious and worrisome,” Kejriwal said. He said nobody knows when the peak of the current wave will come and therefore, it was needed to be fully prepared to deal with the emerging situation.