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Bhai Dooj 2022 Shubh Muhurat, Tilak Vidhi, Wishes, Quotes & Images

 Bhai Dooj 2022

According to religious beliefs, thousands of years ago, when Yamraj came to his sister’s house, she performed tilak and aarti on his brother, since then this festival is being celebrated. Bhai Dooj 2022 will be celebrated across the globe, by every single believer of Hinduism, if you are looking for the Shubh Muhurat & Tilak Vidhi then keep reading.

The festival of Bhai Dooj is mostly celebrated in North India, on this day brothers go to their sister’s house and get her aarti and tilak done, in exchange for which brothers give gifts to the sister, this festival of Bhai Dooj is celebrated for centuries. According to our religious gurus, many old books have described the importance of this festival.

Bhai Dooj Tilak Vidhi 2022

While doing tilak and aarti to their brother, it is necessary for sisters to take care of all religious rituals, details regarding the complete method of performing tilak and aarti in Bhai Dooj is available below.

1). According to religious beliefs, after performing Tilak and Aarti, the brother is sent to his home after having food.

2). On the auspicious day of Bhai Dooj, Chok (religious design) are made with ground rice for brothers by the sisters.

3). Sister does paste of grounded rice on brother’s hand.

4). Firstly, sister needs to do tilak, then perform aarti and then tie Kalava (red-yellow coloured thread) in brother’s hand.

5). After performing arti and doing tilak to brother, sister feeds sweets to her brother with her own hand.

6). Before returning from the sister’s house, the brother needs to give a gift to her sister which will make her happy.

Note: It is highly recommended to meet with concerned specialists to get detailed information subject to Bhai Dooj Shubh Muhurat & Tilak Vidhi 2022.

Happy Bhai Dooj Wishes 2022

This festival of Bhai Dooj holds a lot of importance for me. I pray to God to keep my brother happy forever, and not let a single tear come in his eyes. Happy Bhai Dooj 2022!

On this auspicious occasion of Bhai Dooj, I pray to God that may God make your life very easy and happy and keep you away from all troubles. Happy Bhai Dooj 2022!

The most sacred relation in the world is that of brother and sister. On this auspicious day of Bhaiya Dooj, I am sending my love to my brother with lots of prayers. Happy Bhai Dooj 2022!
Happy Bhai Dooj Quotes 2022
Dear brother, you are the only one who understands me more than myself. I wish you a very happy Bhai Dooj 2022!

I pray to God that I get a lovely brother like you in every birth who cares for me more than his life. I love you brother and wish you a Happy Happy Bhai Dooj 2022!

Brother, you have never expressed how much you love me, but I realize that there can be no one else in this world other than my brother who loves me the most. Happy Bhai Dooj!

Bhai Dooj 2022: FAQs
When is Bhai Dooj 2022?

Bhai Dooj 2022 will take place on October 26.

What is Bhai Dooj Muhurat Time?

Bhai Dooj 2022 Muhurat Time is from 01:12 PM to 03:27 PM.

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